News & Events

Online workshop on the implementation of the revised RTTI DR

February 1st from 10:00 to 12:00

Purpose of the online workshop

On Wednesday February 1st NAPCORE will host an online workshop dedicated to the implementation of the revised RTTI DR, together with several members of the Advisory Board of NAPCORE (TISA, ITS private service providers, TM2.0, CEDR and Polis).

The aim of the online workshop is to inform about the revised RTTI DR and to discuss what could be concrete use case to focus on when elaborating on the implementation.

Program of the online workshop

•             Opening by Timo Hoffman, NAPCORE General Secretary

•             What is in the revised RTTI DR, Annet van Veenendaal, NDW (NL)

•             Discussion on possible use cases to work on (with input from the inventory)

•             Different levels of cooperation needed for different use cases – Johanna Tzanidaki, TM 2.0 ERTICO Innovation Platform

•             Wrap up and process to continue.

Click on the link for the Outlook invite, to see more details. The Teams link for the online workshop is also included.