Steering Committee

The decision-making body of NAPCORE

The Steering Committee is formed by representatives of all NAPCORE countries and the beneficiaries of the Grant Agreement.

All Partners of NAPCORE have committed themselves to commonly work on setting up coordination mechanisms for the harmonization of National Access Points and National Bodies.
This mutual understanding of common work and seeking for agreements forms the cornerstones of the NAPCORE Steering Committee and its Members. 
Each Steering Committee Member aims to deliver best effort to reach a high level of consensus for the common objective of NAPCORE to harmonize National Access Points and National Bodies.

The NAPCORE Steering Committee: 

  • is in charge of the overall strategic steering of NAPCORE 
  • assesses the progress of all activities and endorses NAPCORE results and recommendations 
  • decides on all Grant Agreement related issues
  • assesses the risks and challenges faced by NAPCORE