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Does your organisation hold transport-related data?

Then this survey is for you!

As part of the NAPCORE project, we want to better understand the level of awareness of the ITS Directive among stakeholders, but also the obstacles they encounter when providing data on NAPs.

Our objective is to develop and implement solutions that would help and enable stakeholders to comply with the EU legislation.

This questionnaire addresses a broad group of stakeholders, ranging from infrastructure operators and transport authorities to local and regional authorities, ITS service providers and more.

We particularly encourage stakeholders who do not yet provide data on the NAPs to take the opportunity to express the barriers they encounter and needs they have.

Also interested in the results and next steps? They will be presented during a Webinar which will take place on June, 26th 2024, 10:00-11:30 (CET). We strongly encourage you to register as this will also be the opportunity to voice your experiences and needs.